![](http://www.grummajestat.com/330200435933PM467_TN.jpg) |
V-2 Mutz von der Piste Trophe SchH3, FH2, KKL1 a1 normal ZW of 72!!
Hips OFA good GS-69024G68M-Pl Elbows normal GS-EL16299M68-Pl at 68 months of age.
Registered with AKC, USA and SV |
![](http://www.grummajestat.com/330200435933PM467_TN.jpg) |
above are Show Photos in June and November of 2004
Mutz is a very nice masculine male with strong pigment and vibrant red color,
with correct front and rear assembly which he produces in his progeny. He has achieved good results in the sport of Schutzhund
as well in the show ring. Mutz has always been pronounced in his bite work and excels in tracking which he has been showing
to produce in his progeny. His temperament is phenomenal and couldn't be more stable. Mutz is now available for stud
to approved bitches only.
Koer Report
Großer, mittelkräaftiger, typ- und ausdrucksvoller rude, guter kopf, hoher widerrist, gerader
Rücken, gute länge und lage der kruppe, gute winkelungen der vor-, sehr gute winkelungen der hinterhand, gute brustverhältnisse,
gerade front, vorne und hinten geradetretend, wirksamer nachschub und freier vortritt. sicheres wesen, TSB ausgeprägt; läßt
ab.v. pigmentstarker Rüde.
Large, medium strong male full of type and expression, good head, high withers, straight
back, good length and position of the croup, good angulation of the front, very good angulation of the rear assembly. Good
chest proportions. Straight in front. Straight coming and going. Free and efficient locomotion. Sure temperament. Pronounced
courage and fighting instincts. Outs on command. V. A male of strong pigmentation. |
Mutz's Pedigree